A Method for Preparing Whole-Body Sections Suitable for Autoradiographic, Histological and Histochemical Studies

A method for the preparation of whole-body sections suitable for autoradiographic and histochemical study is described. Radioactive calcium chloride or [14Clproline was injected into the abdominal cavity of a rat. Thirty-five minutes after injection of calcium chloride or 40 min after injection of proline the rat was frozen in a mixture of hexane and solid carbon dioxide and blocked in 5% sodium carboxymethyl Cellulose. The carboxymethyl cellulose block was trimmed and a piece of copy paper was attached to the surface of the block with cellulose tape. Cryotome sections cut from the block were transferred from the paper to a glass slide coated with synthetic rubber adhesive. For wholebody autoradiography, sections were freeze-dried for 2 days and then placed against X-ray film. For light microscopic autoradiography, the freeze-dried sections were covered with a dried film of photographic emulsion. For histochemical use, the sections were fixed by raising the temperature to 4 C after immersion in 100% ethanol below –10 C. For histological observation, sections were postfixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde and stained. Wholebody and light microscopic antoradiographs showed that sections so prepared could be used for the demonstration of soluble substances in wholebody sections and for detailed autoradiography at the light microscopic level, and the stained sections could be used for histological and histochemical studies.