A Mycoherbicide Integrated with Fungicides in Rice,Oryza sativa

Field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of selected rice pesticides on the mycoherbicide Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc. f. sp. aeschynomene (designated as C.g.a.) for northern jointvetch control in dry-seeded rice. Sequential treatments of pencycuron at 0.56 kg ai/ha, SN-84364 at 0.40 kg ai/ha applied 7 and 14 days after C.g.a., or pencycuron sprayed sequentially after a tank mixture of C.g.a. plus actifluorfen did not reduce infectivity of C.g.a. Also, propiconazol at 0.60 kg ai/ha or pencycuron applied 7 days before and after C.g.a. did not reduce fungus development on northern jointvetch. Sequential treatments of benomyl at 0.56 kg ai/ha or propiconazol applied 7 and 14 days after C.g.a. reduced pathogen activity on northern jointvetch.