A new resonance in the reaction N15(p, αγ)C12 giving the 4.43-Mev γ ray from the first excited state of C12 has been found at a proton energy of 1.64±0.03 Mev. The angular distribution of the γ rays indicates that the resonant state in the compound nucleus O16 at an excitation energy of 13.65 Mev has spin and parity equal to 1+ or 2. The resonance at 1.05-Mev proton energy has been reinvestigated. At this resonance the capture γ rays from the reaction N15(p, γ)O16 are found to be isotropic, which indicates that this 13.09-Mev level of O16 has spin equal to 1. A search was made for capture γ rays at the 0.340-Mev resonance of N15(p, α)C12 but there were less than 1 percent of the number at the 1.05-Mev resonance. Therefore, it seems that these two levels do not have identical spin, parity, and isotopic spin values.