Diffusion of oxygen in superconductingYBa2Cu3O7δceramic oxides

We have used in situ resistivity measurements to monitor the diffusion of oxygen in and out of the ceramic oxide YBa2Cu3O7δ. The study of out-diffusion of oxygen was carried out by annealing the oxide in ambient helium at constant heating rates and at constant temperatures. The rate of out-diffusion of oxygen has been found to be independent of δ, and the resistivity changes linearly with time during isothermal anneals. Assuming that the rate of out-diffusion is surface reaction limited, we have determined a surface barrier of 1.7 eV. The study of in-diffusion of oxygen was performed by annealing the oxygen-deficient oxide (δ=0.38) in ambient oxygen. The in-diffusion rate was found to depend strongly on δ; we have determined the activation energies of the process at δ=0.38 and δ=0 to be 0.5 eV and 1.3 eV, respectively. The diffusivity of oxygen for δ=0 has been determined to be D=0.035exp(1.3 eV/kT) cm2/sec. Combining the kinetic data and published structural information, we have examined a vacancy mechanism and a twinning mechanism for anisotropic diffusion of oxygen in the CuO layer between the BaO layers.