Activation of Primed Rabbit Blood Lymphocytes by Antigen: Early Phase of Triggering and the Specificity of the Response

The early phase of antigen‐dependent triggering of rabbit blood lymphocytes (PBL) is described. Specific activation of PBL by Streptococcal vaccines requires primed lymphocytes from high responder rabbits. B‐cell memory is conferred by Ig receptors of both μ and γ chains. Antigen‐induced incorporation of leucine and thymidine reach peak values al day 5, with stimulation indices of 10 to > 100, closely followed by increases in the number of living cells. A second and less intensive phase of cell proliferation is seen on days 8–11. A large fraction of cells (between 3 and 33%) participates in proliferation. A rough calculation of the average doubling lime of cells during the exponential growth phase gives values of 8–16 h.