Discard rates and transplant outcomes in organs recovered from older donors

The number of donors aged 60 years and over has increased. This study examined discard rates and transplant outcomes in organs recovered from older donors. Data were obtained using a standard tool for donors aged 60 years and older during 1993 and 1994 and included demographics, medical history, use of vasopressors, renal/liver function studies, organ disposition, biopsy findings, and recipient organ function. Of 58 kidneys recovered, 24 were transplanted, 26 were used for research, and 8 were discarded. Of 14 livers recovered, 11 were transplanted, 1 was used for research, and 2 were discarded. Sixty-three percent of kidney recipients had immediate function; 79% at 30 days. Nine liver recipients had immediate function; 6 at 30 days, with 1 graft lost. Results show that kidneys and livers can be transplanted from older donors with positive outcomes. Factors such as medical history, use of vasopressors, and organ function studies may help predict organ disposition and function.