The syndrome of gastrointestinal allergy as observed in 60 infants is a clinical entity characterized by diarrhea, colic or vomiting, alone or in varying combinations. Diarrhea is almost twice as common as colic or vomiting. The syndrome may be suspected upon the demonstration of clumps of eosinophiles, or large numbers of scattered eosinophiles in the stools. The stools are generally high in mucus content, and the eosinophiles are most numerous in the mucus. A rapid, easy method for demonstrating eosinophiles in the stool mucus is described. The allergic nature of the signs and symptoms is further suggested by: a. The positive family background of allergy. b. The development of other major allergic manifestations in the subsequent course of these patients. c. The striking frequency with which symptoms disappear after the removal of the offending food from the diet. This may be anything in the diet, but is generally cow's milk. Results may not be apparent until a week has elapsed after specific food elimination. d. Recurrence of symptoms may be demonstrated upon readministration of the offending substance. The ultimate fate of these babies with regard to the development of later allergic disturbances will have to await long range follow-up studies. It is hoped that the control of these early allergic manifestations may minimize later allergic symptomatology. Evidence is presented that the first allergic disturbances may occur in the newborn period.