Fluid shear and spin-echo images

Because clinical studies have indicated that shear in fluids may be one of the major causes of magnetic resonance image artifacts, we imaged an apparatus that would separate the effects of shear from the plethora of other motion artifacts. The apparatus contained fluid between two concentric cylinders. To produce shear, we turned the outer cylinder. To produce motion without shear, we turned both cylinders as one. Shear rates near 200 s−1 (similar to those in large arteries) can cause pixel intensities either to increase 40% or decrease to background levels. Increases can occur when the velocities are nearly parallel to the phase-encoding gradient. Decreases can occur when velocities are in the direction of the frequency gradient. The decreases are similar to those predicted from phase dispersion within a “voxel” so long as the voxel's phase warp does not exceed 2π. © 1989 Academic Press. Inc.