The nature of the processing of combinations of stimulus dimensions in human vision has recently been investigated. A study is reported in which visual search for suprathreshold positional information—vernier offsets, stereoscopic disparity, lateral separation, and orientation—was examined. The initial results showed that reaction times for visual search for conjunctions of stereoscopic disparity and either vernier offsets or orientation were independent of the number of distracting stimuli displayed, suggesting that disparity was searched in parallel with vernier offsets or orientation. Conversely, reaction times for detection of conjunctions of vernier offsets and orientation, or lateral separation and each of the other positional judgements, were related linearly to the number of distractors, suggesting serial search. However, practice has a significant effect upon the results, indicative of a shift in the mode of search from serial to parallel for all conjunctions tested as well as for single features. This suggests a reinter-pretation of these and perhaps other studies that use the Treisman visual search paradigm, in terms of perceptual segregation of the visual field by disparity, motion, color, and pattern features such as colinearity, orientation, lateral separation, or size.