Dissociative recombination of H3O+ and D3O+ at elevated electron and gas temperatures

The rate coefficients for the dissociative ion-electron recombination of H3 O+ and D3 O+ have been measured in shock-heated afterglow plasmas. A low-pressure, pressure-driven shock-tube apparatus enabled gas temperatures in the range 800Tg3000 K to be investigated. A focused microwave beam which intersected the shock-heated plasma permitted the separate, controlled variation of the electron temperature over the range 800Te9000 K. The recombination coefficient for H3 O+ was found to vary approximately as T12 over both the ranges of electron and gas temperature covered, with the power-law exponent increasing slightly with temperature. The coefficients for H3 O+ and D3 O+ were found to be equal within the experimental error. The results indicate that the effect of vibrational excitation on the recombination coefficient is small for these ions. The present results for H3 O+ extrapolated to 540 K agree reasonably well with a previous measurement by the well-established pulsed-afterglow microwave-cavity technique. The absolute magnitude of the measured coefficient decreased from a value of 7.5±1.0×107 cm3 sec1 at Tg=Te=800 K to 4.2±0.3×107 cm3 sec1 at Tg=Te=3000 K for H3 O+.