Lactate Measured in Diluted and Undiluted Whole Blood and Plasma: Comparison of Methods and Effect of Hematocrit

We evaluated a new analyzer that measures lactate in undiluted whole blood by direct (or undiluted) amperometry [Nova Stat Profile 7 Analyzer (SP7); Nova Biomedical, Waltham, MA] by comparing it with two other analyzers, one for measuring lactate in whole blood by indirect (or diluted) amperometry [Model 2300; Yellow Springs Instrument Co. (YSI), Yellow Springs, OH] and another for measuring lactate in plasma by enzymatic colorimetry (aca; Du Pont Co., Wilmington, DE). All between-method comparisons of the three methods showed that the results for plasma were comparable (Sy/x = 0.24-0.33 mmol/L). Within-method comparisons by the YSI differed substantially between plasma and whole blood (Sy/x = 0.48 mmol/L), but within-method comparisons by the SP7 produced better agreement between plasma and whole blood (Sy/x = 0.18 mmol/L). The difference between whole blood and plasma by YSI is related to hematocrit, with the greatest differences noted for samples with the highest hematocrit. Serum lactate measured by SP7 had between-day imprecision (CV) ranging from 12% at 0.5 mmol/L to 4.2% at 3.7 mmol/L, showed a linear standard curve to at least 11.5 mmol/L, and was independent of hematocrit. There was a mean bias of approximately 0.4 mmol/L for results in the reference range for both plasma and whole blood by SP7 compared with plasma results by either aca or YSI.

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