Puromycin was found to inhibit interferon synthesis in NDV-infected Krebs-2 cells, presumably by preventing completion of polypeptide chains rather than by its concurrent effect on RNA synthesis. Unlike actinomycin, puromycin inhibited interferon synthesis at all stages and the inhibition could be completely reversed by washing out the puromycin. The usual 3-hr lag period before onset of interferon synthesis after primary viral induction could be shortened to 1 hr under conditions of reversal of puromycin inhibition. However, the rates of interferon synthesis were comparable in the two systems. Actinomycin interrupts the development of latent interferon-synthesizing activity in puromycin-blocked cells. These data are interpreted as evidence for induction by NDV of a cellular interferon-specific messenger RNA that accumulates in puromycin-inhibited cells. These experiments also provided a means for estimating the rate of synthesis of the interferon-specific messenger RNA.