Organization of the lexA gene of Escherichia coli and nucleotide sequence of the regulatory region

The product of the lexA gene of Escherichia coli has been shown to regulate expression of the several cellular functions (SOS functions) induced by treatments which abruptly inhibit DNA synthesis. We have cloned and mapped the lexA gene on a small segment of approximately 600 base pairs. The lexA promotor was located by transcription R-loop analysis, and the lexA product of 22,000 daltons was identified by protein synthesis in vitro. An unknown gene was found which directed the synthesis of a protein of 35,000 daltons in a region downstream from the lexA gene. Nucleotide sequence of the regulatory region of the lexA gene was determined. The sequence contained inverted repeats homologous to that of the recA regulatory region. These inverted repeats may be recognized by the lexA protein, because the protein is considered to repress both the genes as a common repressor.