Two experiments were conducted with Single-Comb White Leghorn laying hens to measure some of the effects of energy and calcium levels on egg production and quality. In Experiment 1, rations containing 3.95 per cent calcium gave significantly higher egg production than rations containing 3.00 or 2.25 per cent, but in Experiment 2 there was no difference in egg production between rations containing 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 per cent calcium. Rations containing 1.0 per cent calcium gave significantly lower egg production than rations containing 2.0 per cent or more. Levels of calcium up to 6.0 per cent had no adverse effect on egg production.Egg-shell quality as measured by specific gravity improved with increasing levels of calcium. A calcium intake of at least 4 grams per bird per day was necessary for best egg-shell quality.