Granulosa theca cell tumors in premenarchal girls: A clinical and pathologic study of ten cases

Granulosa theca cell tumor (GTCT) in the premenarche accounted for 7% of all ovarian tumors treated at the Children's Hospital Medical Center from 1928 through 1979. The average age of the ten girls at the time of diagnosis was 5 years (range 11 months–121/2 years) with precocious “pseudopuberty” and an abdominal mass being the most common presentation. GTCTs were solitary (five right, five left) with an average diameter of 12.1 cm. Histologic examination showed a predominantly diffuse or solid pattern with prominent luteinization; Call-Exner bodies and folded (“coffee-bean”) nuclei were inconspicuous. Ultrastructural examination of one GTCT confirmed the presence of both granulosa and theca components with the latter showing extensive luteinization; estradiol, testosterone and prolactin were demonstrated in the same tumor using immunologic techniques. The average follow-up time was 21 years with nine of the ten patients being followed for more than ten years. Salpingo-oophorectomy resulted in cures despite the occurrence of tumor spillage in two patients. The prognosis for GTCTs in the premenarche appears more favorable than for those occurring in adulthood, but further study is needed to completely define their full biologic potential; the significance of subsequent breast cancer in two long-term survivors merits further investigation as well.

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