Nine forages, harvested over a period of two years and representing five different species (3 legumes, 2 grasses) cut at various stages of maturity, chopped, and artificially dehydrated, were studied in in vivo and in vitro tests. Ad libitum consumption (relative intake) and energy digestibility were determined in in vivo sheep trials and used to calculate the Nutritive Value Index of each forage. In vitro cellulose digestion of the forages was determined after 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours of fermentation. When compared to the leguminous species, grasses displayed lag periods in the start of cellulose digestion. These lag periods were reflected in the 12-hour cellulose digestion determination, the latter being highly correlated (r=0.91) with the Nutritive Value Index. It is proposed that the Nutritive Value Index (Y) of a forage may be predicted from the 12-hour in vitro cellulose digestion (X) of that forage according to the equation Y=ȳ+b (X−x̄). Substituting the values obtained from our present data we obtain Y=48.4+1.314 (X−42.8) or finally Y=−7.8+1.314X. Future research is indicated in order to widen the scope of forages observed, thus increasing the general applicability of the prediction equation. Copyright © . .