Large‐scale RPA calculations of chiroptical properties of organic molecules: Program RPAC

The computational considerations involved in calculating ordinary and rotatory intensities and electronic excitation energies in the random phase approximation (RPA) are examined. We employ a localized orbital formulation in order to analyze the results in terms of local and charge‐transfer excitations. Occupied orbitals are localized by the Foster–Boys procedure. The virtual space is transformed into a localized “valence” set that maximizes dipole strengths with the occupied counterparts, and a delocalized remainder. The two‐electron integral transformation is performed with an efficient algorithm, based on Diercksen's, that generates only the particle–hole‐type integrals required in the RPA. The lowest solutions of the RPA equations are obtained iteratively using a modification of the Davidson‐Liu simultaneous vector expansion method. This allows the inclusion of the entire set of particle–hole states supported by a basis set of up to 102 orbitals. Calculations at this level give better excitation energies and intensities than SDCI methods, at substantial savings in computational effort. Comparative timings, computed results and analysis in terms of localized orbitals are given for planar and distorted ethylene using extended atomic orbital bases including diffuse functions. The results for planar ethylene are in excellent agreement with experiment.