New equation for the influence of pressure on melting

A new equation for the variation of melting points Tm of metals as a function of pressure p has been developed on the basis of simplified atomic considerations. The equation, [ΔTm/Tm(0)]/βp≈ 2(γG − 1/3)(1 + C2βp), is thought to be in a more convenient form for comparison with experimental data than previous relationships. In this equation, β is the compressibility, γG the Grüneisen parameter, and C2 is a constant related to the anharmonicity. In checking the equation it was found that a value of C2 = −2.9 appears to be more accurate for the ratio a2/a12 than the value −2.5 reported by Slater (a1 and a2 are the coefficients in the expression −ΔV/V0 = a1p + a2p2, for the compression of a material). Obviously, the proposed equation for ΔTm should not be applied when the compression is not well described by the relation involving a1 and a2.