Parental bias of Ki-ras oncogenes detected in lung tumors from mouse hybrids.

A mouse strain with low lung tumor susceptibility (C3H) and a strain with high lung tumor susceptibility (A/J) were reciprocally crossed to produce C3A and AC3 F1 hybrid mice. Ki-ras oncogenes were detected in spontaneous and chemically induced lung tumors obtained from the C3A and AC3 mice. To further explore the genetics of the Ki-ras gene in mouse lung tumor susceptibility, the parental origin of Ki-ras oncogenes detected in lung tumors from the F1 hybrids was determined by a strategy based on a 37-base-pair deletion in the second intron of the A/J Ki-ras allele. Ki-ras oncogenes were derived from the A/J parent in 38 of 40 tumors obtained from C3A mice and 30 of 30 tumors from AC3 mice. The observation that the activated oncogene in hybrids originates from the susceptible parent suggests that the Ki-ras gene is directly linked to mouse lung tumor susceptibility. This finding may have implications for pulmonary adenocarcinoma development in humans, since Ki-ras oncogenes are detected in 35% of this human tumor type.