Complex III (cytochrome bc1 particle; ubiquinol:ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase, EC 1.10.22) was purified from beef heart mitochondria by affinity chromatography. Phospholipids were depleted by washing the particle with detergent while it still was on the affinity column. The particle first was mixed with an excess of cytochrome c in 1.5% cholate (wt/vol); slow removal of the detergent from the mixture was achieved by dialysis. Freezing of the mixture resulted in crystallization of the cytochrome bc1 particle in the form of a 1:2 complex with cytochrome c. The chemical composition and spectrophotometric properties of the crystal are described. The same crystallization maneuver used in the case of cytochrome oxidase has been demonstrated to be effective in crystallizing the middle part of the mitochondrial electron-transfer chain.