Diabetic retinopathy and pregnancy

Diabetic retinopathy was found to be present in 12 out of a group of 67 diabetic patients supervised by us during 92 pregnancies, and 3 further pregnant diabetics were referred to us because of retinopathy. The mean duration of diabetes was 13 years (range 3–25 years). Nine patients had minimal retinopathy, 2 had background retinopathy, and the remaining 4 proliferative retinopathy. The cases with minimal retinopathy showed no progression during pregnancy. In 1 patient with background retinopathy there was deterioration. Of the 4 patients with proliferative retinopathy 1 showed regression during the pregnancy, 2 showed advance and were treated with photocoagulation (these 2 patients now have normal vision), while the patient with extensive retinitis proliferans, with retinal detachment in both eyes and previous photocoagulation remained unchanged. The prognosis during pregnancy for patients with diabetic retinopathy is reasonable and has been improved by the advent of photocoagulation.