An alternative method of wound pain control following hepatic resection: a preliminary study

Background Epidural analgesia is considered one of the optimal methods for provision of postoperative pain relief in patients recovering from major upper abdominal operations. Concerns regarding the potential risk of neurological complications prompted an evaluation of an alternative strategy using a continuous intermuscular bupivacaine (CIB) infusion combined with patient‐controlled analgesia (PCA). Methods Two fine-bore catheters are inserted in the deep intermuscular intercostal neuronal plane during abdominal wound closure, and a continuous infusion of bupivacaine 0.25% is commenced for 72 h postoperatively. Simultaneously, patient-controlled analgesia provided intravenous morphine on demand. The study comprised 10 consecutive patients undergoing liver resection in whom CIB infusion and PCA were employed. The feasibility, safety and efficacy of the technique were investigated, analysing postoperative pain scores, morphine requirements, spirometry and oxygen saturation. Results There were no postoperative deaths. Postoperative morbidity included one urinary tract infection, one minor chest infection and acute confusional episodes in two patients. Median pain scores and morphine requirements at 12, 24, 48 and 72 h postoperatively were satisfactory. Spirometry and oxygen saturation values also remained within the normal range.