Influence of Sex Hormones on Formation of Experimental Vesical Calculi in Male Rats

In view of the significantly greater incidence of urinary calculi in males than in females, the effect of sex hormones on their formation in male rats were determined. Cylindrical C. P. magnesium niduses were aseptically implanted into the bladders of Long-Evans male rats. Bilateral orchiectomy was performed in some groups. Groups of 20 animals were treated as follows: untreated controls, intact, treated with 10 micrograms of stilbesterol in corn oil daily, castrate and castrate-stilbesterol treated. Controls without magnesium niduses, but receiving endocrine treatment were included. It was found that experimental urinary calculi form more readily and are larger in intact male animals than in females. Measures directed toward feminizing the male animals decreased the average size of calculi to female levels. In order of increasing efficiency in decreasing stone size, these measures were: administration of stilbestrol, castration, and castration plus stilbestrol treatment.