Evaluation of a New Re-Usable Electrode for Continuous Monitoring of Blood P02During Open-Heart Surgery

In 46 patients undergoing cardiac surgery blood PO2 [O2 tension] was continuously monitored with an in-line O2 electrode during cardiopulmonary bypass and readings were compared with intermittent measurements of samples on a blood gas analyzer. In 35 patients in whom arterial PO2 was monitored, there were rapid changes in PO2 and the mean difference between the in-line electrode and the blood gas analyzer was 6.63 kPa [paschal] (P < 0.001). Venous PO2 was monitored in 11 patients and, in contrast to the arterial readings, the venous PO2 was relatively stable. The mean difference between the in-line electrode readings and the blood gas analyzer was 0.21 kPa (P < 0.05). The advantages of continuous monitoring of blood PO2 are described, and the relative merits of mixed venous PO2 and mixed venous O2 saturation measurements are discussed.

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