Evolution of Magnetic and Superconducting Fluctuations with Doping of High-TcSuperconductors

Electronic Raman scattering from high- and low-energy excitations was studied as a function of temperature, extent of hole doping, and energy of the incident photons in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8±δsuperconductors. For underdoped superconductors, short-range antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations were found to persist with hole doping, and doped single holes were found to be incoherent in the AF environment. Above the superconducting (SC) transition temperatureTc, the system exhibited a sharp Raman resonance ofB1gsymmetry and energy of 75 millielectron-volts and a pseudogap for electron-hole excitations below 75 millielectron-volts, a manifestation of a partially coherent state forming from doped incoherent quasi particles. The occupancy of the coherent state increases with cooling until phase ordering atTcproduces a global SC state.
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