An essential role of Cdc42‐like GTPases in mitosis of HeLa cells

Here we used RNA interference and examined possible redundancy amongst Rho GTPases in their mitotic role. Chromosome misalignment is induced significantly in HeLa cells by Cdc42 depletion and not by depletion of either one or all of the other four Cdc42-like GTPases (TC10, TCL, Wrch1 or Wrch2), four Rac-like GTPases or three Rho-like GTPases. Notably, combined depletion of Cdc42 and all of the other four Cdc42-like GTPases significantly enhances chromosomal misalignment. These observations suggest that Cdc42 is the primary GTPase functioning during mitosis but that the other four Cdc42-like GTPases can also assume the mitotic role in its absence.