Induction of the prophenoloxidase-activating system of Simulium (Diptera: Simuliidae) following Onchocerca (Nematoda: Filarioidea) infection

Trials were carried out to study the humoral immune response of blackflies to filariae following infection using the intrathoracic injection technique. An induced 66 kDa protein was abundant in the haemolymph of the European species Simulium ornatum following infection with bovine Onchocerca lienalis. This protein was apparently at higher concentrations in the haemolymph of sham-inoculated flies, i.e. flies that received sterile medium without the parasites. A molecule of the same size was also observed in the haemolymph of infected S. damnosum s.l. following infection with human O. volvulus or bovine O. ochengi. However, the level of this protein was lower in blackflies injected with microfilariae of bovine O. dukei. Unlike O. volvulus and O. ochengi this species is not transmitted by S. damnosum s.l. under natural conditions. No such reaction was observed if the African blackflies had received a sham inoculation. Feeding experiments with wild-caught nulliparous S. damnosum sl. on Onchocerca-infected cattle supported the results of the injection trials. The 66 kDa protein could only be found in the haemolymph of specimens infected via a blood meal. This 66 kDa molecule was identified as phenoloxidase. It appeared in the haemolymph due to the activation of the prophenoloxidase system following the filarial infection and we hypothesize that it may be sequestered by the parasites, as part of a non-self recognition system.