We consider the effect of interactions between two-level (four-level) tunneling states. We allow the tunneling units to interact via a potential J(r)=±arn, where a is a constant and r is the distance between the tunneling units, obtain the free energy F¯ up to and including the second virial coefficient, and neglect higher virial coefficients. We derive the density P(E) of the elementary excitation energies E arising from F¯ exactly for a random distribution of tunneling units. We obtain that P(E)E(62n)n for low E. The specific heat CpT(6n)n and the thermal conductivity κT(4n6)n for low temperatures T such that the product κCpT3 independent of n. In particular, for n=3 we find that P(E) is approximately constant for low E and that CpT and κT2 for low T. Our calculations also give a large T3 term in Cp and a somewhat flatter portion in κ for higher temperatures, both of these arising from the interacting tunneling units. The low-T dielectric susceptibility χ is predicted to have a —lnT term in it, provided that T>T0, where T0 depends on the tunneling matrix element and the interaction between a pair of near-neighbor tunneling units. For T<<T0, both Cp and κ are predicted to be proportional to exp(constT) and χ approaches a constant value.