Electrodichroism and paraelectric alignment of110-oriented OHcenters in KI

The uv absorption of OH centers in KI has been studied at low temperatures under applied fields of various symmetries and in different polarization geometries. The field-induced absorption changes do not follow the spectral shape of the OH band and depend drastically on field and polarization geometries. This complex behavior can be accounted for by a model involving field alignment of 110-oriented dipoles which are characterized by three different spectrally partially overlapping uv transitions, one polarized parallel and two polarized along the two inequivalent directions perpendicular to the 110 dipole axis. Strength and spectral shape of these transitions can be determined from saturation alignment experiments under 110 fields. With these optical parameters, the measured electro-optical behavior can be fitted rather well to a simple paraelectric model, yielding for the only free-fitting parameter an uncorrected (for local fields) electric dipole moment of 1.35±0.1 e Å.