Stochastic theory of line shape and relaxation

This paper is a generalization of Kubo’s stochastic theory of spectroscopic line shapes which appeared in 1962 under the same title. Using a stochastic, Hermitian Hamiltonian to phenomenologically incorporate absorber-perturber interactions resulting from molecular collisions, we are able to reproduce Kubo’s derivation of the simple Lorentzian line shape: I(ω)=π1Γ[(ω-ω0 )22 ]1 in which the width Γ is related to the mean-square strength, Q3, of a diagonal stochastic Hamiltonian by Γ=2Q3. Our generalization of this line shape is I(ω)=(1/π){1+(1-ω/Ω)[(Γ2 Γ1)/2Γ]}Γ/[(ω-Ω)22 ]1, where Γ1 and Γ2 measure the degree of anisotropy in the off-diagonal part of the stochastic Hamiltonian. With perfect isotropy their contribution vanishes, but we are still left with additional corrections to the simple Lorentzian: Γ=2Q(1+ω02/ε2 )1+ 2Q3 and Ω=ω0+Δ, where Δ=2Q(ω0/ε)(1+ω022 )1. Our result does reduce to Kubo’s in the absence of off-diagonal stochastic terms. The parameter ε measures the non-Markovianness of the stochastic Hamiltonian and yields white noise in the limit ε→∞. Our results are valid for this limit regime. The frequency shift Δ is a measure of the non-Markovianness.