Geometrical Representation of the Schrödinger Equation for Solving Maser Problems

A simple, rigorous geometrical representation for the Schrödinger equation is developed to describe the behavior of an ensemble of two quantum‐level, noninteracting systems which are under the influence of a perturbation. In this case the Schrödinger equation may be written, after a suitable transformation, in the form of the real three‐dimensional vector equation dr/dt=ω×r, where the components of the vector r uniquely determine ψ of a given system and the components of ω represent the perturbation. When magnetic interaction with a spin ½ system is under consideration, ``r'' space reduces to physical space. By analogy the techniques developed for analyzing the magnetic resonance precession model can be adapted for use in any two‐level problems. The quantum‐mechanical behavior of the state of a system under various different conditions is easily visualized by simply observing how r varies under the action of different types of ω. Such a picture can be used to advantage in analyzing various MASER‐type devices such as amplifiers and oscillators. In the two illustrative examples given (the beam‐type MASER and radiation damping) the application of the picture in determining the effect of the perturbing field on the molecules is shown and its interpretation for use in the complex Maxwell's equations to determine the reaction of the molecules back on the field is given.