Lactobacillus heterohiochi strain H-l failed to grow in a mevalonic acid-containing medium (typical for lactic acid bacteria) unless the mevalonic acid concentration was increased 10-fold and yeast extract was added. The yeast extract requirement could be subdivided into one part replaceable by enzyme-digests of casein and another part not replaceable by such supplementation. It was possible to substitute a mixture of ascorbic acid, L-cysteine, and high concentrations of L-asparagine, L-glutamic acid, L-glutamine, and DL-serine for the casein digest. The remainder of the yeast extract requirement was eliminated by increasing the nicotinic acid and calcium pantothenate concentrations at least 10-fold. A further stimulation was obtained by adding ethanol to the medium. The final medium (medium E) was chemically defined with the exception of the vitamin-free acid-hydrolyzed casein component.