Tree species preferences of foraging insectivorous birds in a northern hardwoods forest

Birds searching for insects in the canopy of a northern hardwoods forest depart significantly from random in their use of tree species, even when these trees are generally similar in life form. All 10 foliage-dwelling bird species in the Hubbard Brook forest showed preferences for Yellow Birch, most had an aversion to Beech and Sugar Maple, and a few had special preferences for conifers or White Ash. Birds that glean prey from leaves had stronger tree species preferences than those that often hover for their prey, and were more influenced by tree species differences in foliage structure. The less common bird species and those for which northern hardwoods are marginal habitat had the most pronounced tree-species preferences. Food densities which are higher on Yellow Birch and specific adaptations to foraging in trees with particular foliage structures are considered major factors responsible for the observed tree species preferences. The implications of these findings for bird community structure and for forest management practices are discussed.