Single quantum vibrational energy transfer from HCl (v=2) and HBr(v=2)

HCl (v=2) and HBr (v=2) have been directly excited with a pulsed optical parametric oscillator at 295 K. The relaxation in hydrogen halide mixtures proceeds largely by single quantum VV exchange. Measured total relaxation rates include HCl→HCl 9.5±0.7; HCl→HBr 9.3±0.6; HCl→DCl 1.3±0.2; HBr→HBr 6.2±0.5; and HBr→HCl (1.0±0.2) ×104 Torr−1 s−1. The two quantum exchange rate for HCl (v=2)+ HBr (v=0) is 3 Torr−1 s−1. Upper limits on the VR, T self‐relaxation rates of HCl (v=2) and HBr (v=2) are 2× and 1×104 Torr−1 s−1.