Purification and Properties of Hypoxically Induced Lactate Dehydrogenase from Barley Roots

Using Affigel Blue and oxamate-agarose affinity chromatography, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was purified 2000-fold from hypoxically induced barley roots. Molecular weights of the native and sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured LDH protein were 157 and 40 kilodaltons, respectively, indicating a tetramer. Purified barley LDH was very similar in size and kinetic properties to potato LDH. However, their amino acid compositions differed substantially and antibodies raised against barley LDH did not cross-react with potato LDH on immunoblots, implying that the barley and potato LDHs are not closely related proteins. In vivo [35S]methionine labeling and immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that hypoxia increased the rate of LDH protein synthesis, and immunoblot analysis showed that LDH protein levels rose during hypoxia. We conclude that increased enzyme synthesis plays a major part in the induction of LDH enzyme activity by low O2 levels in barley roots.