Mouse Growth Assay Procedures for the “Animal Protein Factor”

Two mouse growth methods have been developed for the assay of the “animal protein factor.” One method involves the use of growing mice born of mothers that were maintained on a diet free of this factor. The second method is based on the ability of the “animal protein factor” to counteract the growth retardation of mice that are fed thyroidactive materials. The results of these studies showed that: (1) Liver contains a factor or factors essential for growth not present in yeast or wheat germ, nor identical with any known vitamin factor; (2) this factor counteracts the growth retardation of mice that are fed thyroid-active materials; (3) the “animal protein factor” may be transmitted from the mother to the young during gestation or lactation or both and may be stored by the animal for a considerable period of time; (4) a severe lack of the “animal protein factor” in the maternal diet and tissue stores results in a pronounced mortality of young mice one to three days post partum.