Characteristics of Cleaning and Carbonizing Plasmas in TEXTOR

Plasma parameters for discharge cleaning and carbonization in TEXTOR (Torus Experiment on Technology Oriented Research in the Kernforschungsanlage Julich) have been measured with Langmuir probes. In the rf-assisted glow (RG) discharge of hydrogen, at 1.6×10-1 Pa, the plasma density is n e = 3.0-4.0×108 cm-3, the electron temperature T e = 10-12 eV, and the space potential V s≦265 V. In the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) discharge, at 1.1 × 10-2 Pa, n e=2.0-2.7×1010 cm-3, T e=3.5-5.2 eV, and V s=20 V in the resonance region. The width of this region is about 20 cm. In the carbonization by the RG discharge with an admixture of methane into deuterium at a volume ratio of 33%, at 1.7×10-1 Pa, n e = 0.9-1.4×109 cm-3, T e = 2.7-3.3 eV and V s≦280 V. The flux of ions and neutral atoms are estimated from measured parameters. In RG(H2), both H+ 2 and H are effective for cleaning. In ECR, an appreciable flux of H is obtained, and the H+ 2 flux, though reduced by the radial magnetic field, has an effect of cleaning. In RG(CH4/D2), the positive ion flux of the order of 6×1013 cm-2s-1 is responsible for the carbonization.