Lead Isotopic Ages of Chondrules and Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions

The lead-lead isochron age of chondrules in the CR chondrite Acfer 059 is 4564.7 ± 0.6 million years ago (Ma), whereas the lead isotopic age of calcium-aluminum–rich inclusions (CAIs) in the CV chondrite Efremovka is 4567.2 ± 0.6 Ma. This gives an interval of 2.5 ± 1.2 million years (My) between formation of the CV CAIs and the CR chondrules and indicates that CAI- and chondrule-forming events lasted for at least 1.3 My. This time interval is consistent with a 2- to 3-My age difference between CR CAIs and chondrules inferred from the differences in their initial 26 Al/ 27 Al ratios and supports the chronological significance of the 26 Al- 26 Mg systematics.