Dynamic hydration effects in an electron microscope cold stage

Water can be a substantial proportion of the residual gas in modern electron microscopes even when frozen hydrated specimens are not used. During measurements of the mass thickness of thin collodion film specimens at low temperatures, it was found that a volatile surface layer (condensed water) modified the apparent rate of mass loss induced by radiation exposure. Mass loss can be enhanced by the presence of water (specimen “etching”), or mass loss can be masked by the dynamic adsorption of water to the specimen surface. The microscope or the grid can be a secondary source of the water; even with cold anticontaminator plates in the vicinity of the specimen, water can be desorbed by x-rays or backscattered electrons. In one typical situation, the mass loss rate appears reduced (due to water adsorption), but the ultimate damage is greater (due to etching). These results illustrate that care must be taken in interpreting mass thickness measurements made in the presence of water and that the lowest stage temperature does not necessarily produce the best observation conditions for all specimens.