Evoked Release of Proteins from Central Neurons In Vivo

Push-pull cannulae were implanted in both substantiae nigrae and caudate nuclei of the halothane-anesthetized cat. The release of total protein, acetylcho-linesterase, and nonspecific cholinesterases was examined. Following direct application of potassium to one substantia nigra, changes occurred in the local release of total protein and acetylcholinesterase, but not nonspecific cholinesterases; changes also were observed in both caudate nuclei and the contralatera/ substantia nigra. The local evoked release of acetylcholinesterase and of total protein differed in the extent to which they were calcium-dependent. Control studies suggest that release of these compounds, both spontaneous and evoked, is related, at least in part, to neuronal activity. The significance of the neuronal release of proteins is discussed.