The conventional sperm characteristics of density (millions per milliliter) and motility, scored in a semi‐subjective way, were correlated with results of an on‐going in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer program. No male infertility patients were included in this study. Individual characteristics of the “successful” ejaculates are described. Sperm densities in the original ejaculate of more than 10 × 106 spermatozoa/ml did not significantly improve outcome (P < 0.01). In contrast, sperm motility seemed to play the most important role, since most pregnancies (12/14) occurred using sperm samples with ≥ 60% total motility (P < 0.001). The incidence of multipronuclear fertilization is also described and discussed. These data, which were collected during 1984 in the in vitro fertilization unit of Professor R. Schoysman and coworkers (Vilvoorde, Brussels), may help to make fertilization in vitro and embryo transfer a viable method in cases of mild male subfertility, and to provide guidance in preparing some couples for the combined use of husband and donor semen if a sufficient number of oocytes are obtained.