Interaction from several agents, i.e., a greater or smaller effects than expected from the sum of the individual effects can be of essentially two types: a) The agents could act in paralell on the same target, and a term depending on the doses of the agents involved would have to be added to the individual dose effect relationships (parergic interaction). b) The agents could act at different points in the chain of events leading to the observed effect, and the action of the second agent, the promotor, would be, at least in part, contingent on the action of the first inducer agent so that the dose effect relationships are linked in a multiplicative manner (metergic interaction). The dose effect surfaces for interaction depend on the type of dose effect relationship of the individual agents. Formulas are given for the general cases and are exemplified in graphs. Typical isobolic diagrams are also illustrated. These formulas may be adapted to experimental data by means of non-linear regression or maximum-likelihood analysis.