Artificial insemination with frozen, thawed semen and pregnancy diagnosis in addax (Addax nasomaculatus)

Nonsurgical artificial insemination (AI) procedures were performed using frozen, thawed semen in two adult female addax. Pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin (PMSG) (300 IU) and prostaglandin (PG) (125 μg) was administered intramuscularly to female 1 on days −3 and −1, respectively, where day 1 was the first day of AI. Only one injection of PG was used, as a low serum progesterone (PROG) concentration (0.5 ng/ml) and a low pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) concentration (0.36 ng PdG/mg creatinine) had been recorded on day −13. A total of 219 × 106 motile sperm was deposited in the os cervix or anterior vagina on days 1–4. High serum PROG levels (9.4–15.8 ng/ml) and high urinary PdG levels (1.35–1.63 ng PdG/mg creatinine) were observed on days 23, 31, and 39, and the fetal heart was seen beating during an ultrasound exam on day 45. A male calf was born on day 266, 8.7 mo after insemination. This is the first live birth resulting from AI of an antelope with frozen, thawed semen. The Synchro‐mate‐B system of estrous control was used in female 2. The implant was inserted, and the injection was given on day −11 per the manufacturer's instructions. The implant was removed on day −1, and a total of 220 × 106 motile sperm was deposited in the os cervix or anterior vagina on days 1 and 2. High serum PROG levels (17.5–24.5 ng/ml) were observed on days 13, 21, and 29. Although the fetal heartbeat was observed during an ultrasound examinataion on day 42, the fetus was not carried to term. Details of the radioimmunoassay used to determine the luteinizing hormone immunoreactivity of urine samples are presented.