Radical cations of sulfides and disulfides: An ESR study

Exposure of dilute solutions of dimethylsulfide, methanethiol, tetrahydrothiophene, terbutyl and diterbutyl‐sulfides, dimethyl‐disulfide, and diterbutyldisulfide, in freon at 77 K to 6 0Co γ rays gave the corresponding cations. From the reported ESR spectra, gtensors were obtained. It was found that both sulfide and disulfide cations exhibit the same gtensor: (g max=2.034±0.002, g int=2.017±0.001, g min=2.001±0.005). From this result it has been shown that the disulfide cation is planar. This finding was supported by fully optimized geometry a b i n i t i o calculations.