Distribution of Hp, Tf Gc and Pi Polymorphisms in a Nepalese Population

Hp [haptoglobin] typing and Tf, Gc and Pi [transferrin, group specific component and .alpha.1-antitrypsin, respectively] subtypings were performed on 144 serum samples from a Nepalese population in the Katmandu Valley, Nepal. The obtained allele frequencies are as follows: Hp1 = 0.1771, Hp2 = 0.8229; TfC1 = 0.7222, TfC2 = 0.2500, TfC3 = 0.0174, TfCnepal (TfC9) = 0.0104; Gc1F = 0.2448, Gc1S = 0.4825, Gc2 = 0.2727; PiM1 = 0.6076, PiM2 = 0.2118, PiM3 = 0.1806. The relationship between this sample population and the Indian population is discussed.