Mass splittings inΣbandΣb*

The charged Σb and Σb* states have recently been reported by the CDF Collaboration. The relation of their reported charge-averaged masses to expectations based on the quark model is reviewed briefly. A relation is proved among the ΔI=1 electromagnetic mass differences Σ1M(Σ+)M(Σ), Σ1*M(Σ*+)M(Σ*), Σb1M(Σb+)M(Σb), and Σb1*M(Σb*+)M(Σb*). The relation is Σb1*Σb1=(ms/mb)(Σ1*Σ1), leading to the expectation Σb1*Σb1=0.40±0.07MeV.