Spin-Glass Behavior and Giant Magnetoresistance in the(RE)Ni0.3Co0.7O3(RE=La,Nd,Sm)System

(RE)Ni0.3Co0.7O3 (RE=La,Nd,Sm) oxides with the perovskite structure have been studied. All of these compounds show a spin-glass behavior at low temperatures. Isostructural compounds in which Ni or Co are replaced by a nonmagnetic element do not show spin-glass behavior. Therefore, simultaneous presence of Ni and Co is needed to develop competitive ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in the (RE)Ni0.3Co0.7O3 compounds. Moreover, large negative magnetoresistance below freezing temperature is observed in these samples. We conclude the existence of an electronic transfer between Ni3+ and Co3+ ions in these compounds which gives rise to ferromagnetic interactions.