Resonantly enhanced multiphoton-ionization photoelectron spectroscopy of krypton and xenon: Experiment and theory

Angular distributions for energy-resolved photoemitted electrons from resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) via the two-photon allowed 6p[j=1/2]J=0, 6p[3/2]2, 6p’[1/2]0, 6p’[3/2]2, 7p[1/2]0, 7p[3/2]2, and 7p[5/2]2 states and the three-photon allowed 7s[3/2]1, 8s[3/2]1, 9s[3/2]1, 5d[3/2]1, 5d’[5/2]3, and 5d’[3/2]1 states of xenon and the three-photon allowed 5s[3/2]1, 6s[3/2]1, 4d[3/2]1, 4d[5/2]3, and 4d[7/2]3 states of krypton are reported. In one case, two-photon resonant, three photon ionization [(2+1) REMPI] of the 6p’[1/2]0 state of xenon, a dramatic laser-power dependence (power ∼1.5×1010 to ∼3×1010 W/cm2), was observed. The measured angular distributions for electrons leaving either ion core (2 P1/2 or 2 P3/2) are compared with those calculated from multichannel quantum-defect theory.