The complex permittivity of water at 9.356 GHz from 10 to 40 degrees C

The complex permittivity of double-distilled degassed water has been measured with a typical accuracy of +or-0.06% in both epsilon ' and epsilon " at 2 degrees C steps from 10 to 40 degrees C at 9.356 GHz. This accuracy is limited by the estimated +or-0.05 degrees C thermal homogeneity of the sample and not by the +or-0.01% precision of the instrumentation system. The values of epsilon ' and epsilon ", as well as the attenuation alpha and phase beta per unit length coefficients, have been fitted to the empirical polynomial expressions epsilon '(T)=44.73(17)+1.430(24)T-0.0318(10)T2+0.000230(14)T3 epsilon "(T)=41.96(17)-0.407(23)T-0.0083(10)T2+0.000132(13)T3 alpha (T)=560.0(1.8)-9.92(25)T+0.044(11)T2+0.00024(14)T3 beta (T)=1426.1(2.1)+14.23(29)T-0.354(12)T2+0.000275(17)T3. It is found by fitting the values of epsilon '(T) and epsilon "(T) in this temperature interval to the Cole-Cole equations using the empirical functions for epsilon 0(T), epsilon infinity (T) and tau (T) that remarkably good agreement is obtained with the known values of alpha , Delta H and epsilon 0(0).

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