Character displacement in Hydrobia

Fenchel's study of size variation in Hydrobiid snails in the Limfjord, Denmark, provides one of the most convincing cases of ecological character displacement available. In order to assess the generality of the phenomena within the Hydrobia genus, allopatric and sympatric Hydrobia ventrosa, H. neglecta and H. ulvae were collected from 24 coastal sites around Eastern England in July and October, 1982. Shell heights of 5,850 snails from 55 samples were recorded. These data were analysed for intraspecific allopatric-sympatric, and interspecific height differences. Such differences were not significant for H. ventrosa/H. neglecta, but the species exhibited parallel variation at sympatric sites. H. ventrosa/H. ulvae showed only significant interspecific differences, but in both allopatry and sympatry. The pattern of mean size variation for these species resembles that in the Limfjord. However the statistical analyses fail to provide support for character displacement. Differences in character states attributed to the process of character displacement may result from a number of other causes. Environmental conditions at sympatric and allopatric sites may act differentially on the heights of H. ulvae and H. ventrosa. The conditions that prevail at sympatric H. ulvae sites appear to lead to increased size in this species irrespective of the presence of H. ventrosa.